North Carolina’s Division of Child Development and Early Education Stakeholder Engagement Study: Technical Report

By Judi Stevenson-Garcia, Mariam Dahbi, Aisha Pittman Fields, Sallie Strueby, Nicole Sharpe

This report presents the findings and key considerations from an evaluation effort conducted by School Readiness Consulting (SRC) to support the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS), Division of Child Development and Early Education (DCDEE). The study aimed to answer three research questions related to qualitative research, storytelling, and stakeholder input. The report presents findings that highlight the perceptions, experiences, and recommendations of various stakeholders involved in early childhood education and care in North Carolina, including DCDEE staff; early childhood directors, administrators, and teachers; Family Child Care Home Providers; and families. This effort is a significant step in the Division’s ongoing effort to evaluate the way it collects and uses qualitative data to inform policies, improve program implementation, and enhance the services it provides to children and families.


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SRC Contributors

Aisha Pittman Fields
Managing Associate

Nicole Sharpe
Senior Director

BreAnna Davis Tribble
Managing Associate

School Readiness Consulting

We're educators, researchers, play enthusiasts, data nerds, parents of children, pets, and plants (sometimes all three!), and much more. Many backgrounds, one purpose: fostering the potential of all children.


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