The Montgomery County Children's Alliance: The Foundational Action Plan

The Montgomery County Children's Alliance partnered with School Readiness Consulting (SRC) to lead an intentional and community-driven planning process to design the plan. That process involved creating The Foundational Action Plan to provide a set of clear actions for the Montgomery County Children's Alliance to focus on and organize around. It is meant to build on the ongoing work and momentum that exists in order to address the real and big challenges young children and families face every day. It offers a road map to highlight important next steps for the Alliance to contribute to creating a stronger and more equitable early childhood system.

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SRC Contributors

Founder and CEO

Soumya Bhat
Principal Associate

Vanessa Kern
Junior Associate

Leila Sammander
Managing Associate

Nicole Sharpe
Senior Director

School Readiness Consulting

We're educators, researchers, play enthusiasts, data nerds, parents of children, pets, and plants (sometimes all three!), and much more. Many backgrounds, one purpose: fostering the potential of all children.


Mile High Early Learning - Creating an Equitable Early Learning Program