
Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

The Montgomery County Children's Alliance: The Foundational Action Plan

The Montgomery County Children's Alliance partnered with School Readiness Consulting (SRC) to lead an intentional and community-driven planning process to design the plan. That process involved creating The Foundational Action Plan to provide a set of clear actions for the Montgomery County Children's Alliance to focus on and organize around. It is meant to build on the ongoing work and momentum that exists in order to address the real and big challenges young children and families face every day. It offers a road map to highlight important next steps for the Alliance to contribute to creating a stronger and more equitable early childhood system.

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Briefs School Readiness Consulting Briefs School Readiness Consulting

Making the Early Grades Matter: Seven Ways to Improve Kindergarten Through Grade 2

SRC conducted a national landscape to illuminate gaps, inconsistencies, and opportunities for which philanthropic investment could catalyze equitable improvements in K-2 practices at scale and aligned to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s existing strategy. In partnership with the foundation’s Early Learning Team, SRC identified and workshopped the highest opportunity approaches to shape a proposed equity-centered investment strategy.

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Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

Minnesota Early Childhood Strategic Refresh

This Strategic Refresh represents updates to Minnesota's 2020 strategic plan. Updates are more representative of the needs of the community as the state has reinvigorated, reshuffled, and reshaped the system’s priorities.

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Reports Neo Khama Reports Neo Khama

Considerations from Minnesota’s Local Community Resource Hubs Pilot

This report presents findings regarding the implementation of local community resource hubs, an approach piloted by 13 Minnesota organizations and dozens of designated partner agencies, with the support of federal Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five (PDG B-5) funds, along with considerations to promote the expansion of similar family and community resource hub models through a supportive state-local infrastructure.

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Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

Michigan’s Collective Early Childhood Action Plan

Michigan’s Collective Early Childhood Action Plan provides a comprehensive overview and approach to meeting the state's four early childhood outcomes. This effort is a culmination of a 2-year needs assessment and action planning process and builds on and aligns with previous strategic planning efforts across the state.

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Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

Michigan’s Coordinated Eligibility and Enrollment Landscape

This Coordinated Eligibility and Enrollment (CEE) Landscape seeks to provide an overview of coordinated eligibility and enrollment and how it is being successfully implemented in local communities in Michigan, as well as in other states. The report focuses on key principles and elements of CEE and provides examples that show how these can be applied on the ground in communities, as well as key considerations both for the state and for communities as they work to advance coordinated eligibility and enrollment.

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Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

Every Child Ready Chicago - Initial Landscape Summary & Strategy Map

This initial landscape summary and strategy map constitute a summary of findings to share a high-level overview of the current early childhood landscape in the City of Chicago, including recent city developments and relevant state-level context, as well as to lift up initial strategic priorities identified by the landscaping process. This landscape is meant to serve as a foundation from which to begin the strategic planning process.

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Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

Michigan’s Literacy Scan

This statewide birth-to-five literacy scan provides an overview of the current landscape of birth-to-five literacy initiatives and programming in Michigan, as well as providing information about what guidance and resources are needed to support local efforts.

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Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

Early Matters Chattanooga - 5 Year Strategic Plan

This strategic plan is meant to support the Early Matters Chattanooga Coalition in Chattanooga–Hamilton County lead a unified effort in coordinating and improving the early childhood system. This plan will support the Coalition in its vision of increased and equitable access to early childhood programs and services, outlining clear strategies and action steps over the course of the next 5 years.

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Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

Virginia Preschool Initiative Plus Cost Study Final Report

The Virginia Preschool Initiative Plus (VPI+) aimed to provide high-quality preschool to children in Virginia classrooms. This evaluation report includes summative, formative, and cost effectiveness components of the initiative, as well as an evaluation of experiences of thousands of children and the programming in 11 school districts throughout the state of Virginia.

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Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

Virginia Early Childhood Foundation - Workforce Finance and Compensation Working Group

In partnership with the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation, SRC facilitated the work of the legislatively appointed Early Childhood Financing and Compensation workgroup. This group of diverse stakeholders was charged with examining issues related to ECE workforce compensation and developing a series of solutions, policy recommendations, and key considerations based on both the national and state contexts and best practice. SRC provided guidance and facilitated an iterative process of analysis and planning, culminating in a final report delivered to the Virginia School Readiness Committee.

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Reports School Readiness Consulting Reports School Readiness Consulting

Westside Early Childhood Needs Assessment Final Report

This needs assessment provides a landscape to better understand the needs related to early childhood education on the Westside— specifically in the English Avenue, Ashview Heights, Vine City, and Atlanta University Center neighborhoods. Findings revealed that significant progress has been made across the focal community to support families with pre-K age children, but major gaps exist in fostering high-quality early childhood services for families with infants and toddlers.

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Reports Neo Khama Reports Neo Khama

Strategic Refresh - Baltimore Infants and Toddlers Program

This strategic refresh represents a deep commitment to providing services and supports that reflect current research and best practices, tackle issues of racial inequity within systems and services, and address the unique needs of the community in Baltimore City, including children’s social and emotional health and development. This plan builds upon the larger B’More for Healthy Babies strategic planning process.

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