Virginia Early Childhood Foundation - Workforce Finance and Compensation Working Group

In partnership with the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation, SRC facilitated the work of the legislatively appointed Early Childhood Financing and Compensation workgroup. This group of diverse stakeholders was charged with examining issues related to ECE workforce compensation and developing a series of solutions, policy recommendations, and key considerations based on both the national and state contexts and best practice. SRC provided guidance and facilitated an iterative process of analysis and planning, culminating in a final report delivered to the Virginia School Readiness Committee.


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SRC Contributors

Lindsey Allard Agnamba
Founder and CEO

Mimi Howard
Advisor for Strategy and Systems

School Readiness Consulting

We're educators, researchers, play enthusiasts, data nerds, parents of children, pets, and plants (sometimes all three!), and much more. Many backgrounds, one purpose: fostering the potential of all children.


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